Signature retreat in ALTAI

for Men, Women and kids!
Healing Impulse, Neurographics, Bioenergy practices, percussion sounds, essential oil magic and other parts of the Health Sphere as we journey through Mountain Altai.

July 1-10 2022
Leading masters: Makagonova Elena, Anna Vlasova and Kiu Caracani (Switzerland)

Why Altai?
Altai! Wondrous, mysterious world. The world of untouched nature, myths and tales.
The land of Scythians and the legendary Shambhala!

The Altai Mountain region is magnificent. In Turkic languages Altai translates as "Golden mountains".
Trade caravan travelers, battling nomads, mysterious signs on the ruins of ancient temples left by unknown civilizations - this is history that took place in Altai, thousands of years ago.

Body Rebranding or Health Philosophy: Spirit. Soul. Body is a signature retreat, where all parts of Health Sphere are engaged.

The medicinal properties of the Altai nature will help stimulate the healing impulse that reawakens the life within our body and soul! Physical exercises, breathwork, rational nutrition, medical fasting and an open heart!

We will use bioenergy practices and neurographics to work with our subconscious, releasing any blocks from the past that are holding us back.

Surrounded by glorious beauty of the Altai mountains, rivers and lakes, earth and water will be our wonderful helpers, transforming us on cellular level!


Health Sphere as health foundation:

1. Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings

2. Acid-base equilibrium

3. Spinal column, pelvis

During our retreat we will review the entire Health Sphere!

Yes, this is a large chunk of information, but this is an important part of health education. You will come back home with knowledge that you can use for the rest of your life, enough for active longevity!

Philosophy: Spirit, Soul, Body

Philosophy: Spirit, Soul, Body

We can hide our feelings, but we cannot hide our bodies. Every emotion that we held back and buried inside stays in our body tissue. The body shows everything! And this is wonderful because the body helps us understand what is going on in our souls and out heads. In the end, our nature wins over the ideas we have of ourselves.

We will listen to the voice of the body:

• why did we "receive" this specific body?
• which core energy is it meant to host?
• what does your weight tell about you?
• what are the reasons for being overweight or underweight?
• why do the kilos "rest" specifically on "this" area of the body?
• what is slouching. swelling etc. mean? Any many other questions.

You will be able to:

• release the tension and relax;
• learn to live through your emotions in a way that doesn't harm your body
• free your body from long-standing emotional experiences.

If you desire to better hear the voice of your body, realize why THIS body was given to you by nature and how it is connected to your life purpose and mission, then you found the right place!

"And so, the biggest secret and experiment of existence is to place the spirit into the body and give it a trial period." This is what the philosopher Emmanuel Kant means when he said that there are only two truths: "the starry heavens ABOVE us and the moral law WITHIN us."

Our psyche won't understand anything until it gets in touch with the practical side, therefore our retreat will hold a lot of practical sessions. Bring the courage along with you! It will helps you to meet yourself. We invite you to participate in a serious, deep voyage!

Anna Vlasova, master-instructor (psychologist, energy therapist)

Why Altai?
If you want to...

Your journey will be guided by the leading masters:

Elena Makagonova

Personal transformation retreat and online event organizer. Master-instructor of a comprehensive health and rejuvenation methodology "Healing Impulse", with 28 years of experience in research and practical application of youth secrets, beauty and active longevity.
Breath and body work through joint gymnastics.
Neurographics expert - conversation with the subconscious through particular drawing algorithm for any inquiry, goal, desire.
Works with physical and energy blocks through Tambourine vibration.
Kiu Caracani

A practice in Lausanne and Geneva - Switzerland
Specialised in Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine, he followed teachings from the Beijing
Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and from the Academic Hospital of Acupuncture and
Tuina Zhejiang in China (TCM).
For many years, he also followed the teachings of Master King, in Traditional Chinese
Medicine and of Master Hiroshi Nozaki, in Shiatsu and Traditional Japanese Medicine.

Aware of the importance and benefits of disciplines such as phytotherapy, aromatherapy,
homeopathy, micro-nutrition and massotherapy, he also trained as a naturopath in Geneva.

The mastery of these «sister therapies» have allowed him to relieve and significantly improve
patients' health suffering from degenerative, severe chronic diseases and cancer. His unique
treatment protocols combine simultaneous use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine along with phytotherapy and Western naturopathy. His original discoveries and expertise in acupuncture protocols have impressed eminent Chinese Medicine doctors, TCM schools, universities, and hospitals to the point that they rely on him to solve some of their most difficult patient cases in oncology such as brain cancer, neurological cases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, etc.

CEO AND CHAIRMAN OF THE GROUP IRCM International – International Group of

Researchers and Development for Complementary Medicine, Oxford, UK

Anna Vlasova

Psychologist, energy therapist. Systemic family and personal therapy, crisis support. Over 20 years of practice in Russia and other parts of the world! Lead instructor of women's therapy groups and seminars.

The biggest secret and experiment of existence is placing the spirit inside the body and giving it a trial period. Usually we fail this experiment because we tend to choose passive existence instead living.

The core of my program is be a triad - Body, Soul, Spirit:

• Body as form, avatar.
• Soul as structural energy.
• Spirit as events that happen, when the Soul evolves.

Main questions:

• Why did you receive this particular body, and how it is tied in with your life mission?
• From "frightening" to "thrilling". Why do we need fear and what can we do with it?
• Humor as therapeutic tool.
• Stress and de-stress. Express-methods for releasing emotional tension.
• Fight or flight as life strategies and their connection to being overweight or underweight.

• Weight, sensuality, orgasm.

Our special guests:
  • Aroma practitioner
  • Astro psychologist
  • Chinese metaphysics consultant
  • Chinese medicine specialist
  • Slavic women's gymnastics instructor
  • Blissful woman, wife, mother

Ekaterina works with essential oils for over 10 years, with DoTERRA since 2019.
She uses oil for correcting any imbalance in her clients' birth charts, home and office work (Classic Feng shui) as well as for all level health improvement of self, relatives and clients.

According to Chinese prediction system, 5 elements (each year, month, day, hour) have their own energy, gaining understanding of which, one can navigate through life, bypassing sharp corners and using the power and opportunities gifted to us by the Universe.

We will discuss the energies of 2022, and how live through these energies in way that is most productive and harmonious.
• Руководитель онлайн направления Академии Голтиса
• Тренер 1 ступени Исцеляющего Импульса
• Методист и куратор программы более 10 онлайн программ
• Похудела на 13 кг с помощью методики
• Мама двух прекрасных детей
• Заряжает всех участников позитивом и желанием двигаться вперед не смотря ни на что!
Retreat program:
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Body rebranding or Health Philosophy: Spirit. Soul. Body
Summer houses
89000 ₽
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26700 ₽
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98000 ₽
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29400 ₽
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